Micro-Película. The Gift

The Gift, un pequeño gran corto de ciencia ficción donde se mezclan droides y un ambiente soviético.

Dirigido por Carl E. Rinsch.

The Gift from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.

Directed by Carl E. Rinsch, ‘The Gift’ Belongs to the «pararell Lines» Phillips Cinema campaning. Placed in Russia, The Gift is a Sci-Fi short with a savage Chase sequence on it. We made more than 20 full CGI shots for the short. Check out the animated pictures to see how it has been done. We also made the vechicles and some characters desings. We enjoyed creating such an unusual atmosphere and sense. Not the regular Sci-fi film we are used to see…

Vía Microsiervos: The Gift, un corto que hay que ver (a los que no le falta razón)

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