Davy and Kristin McGuire crearon The ice book cautivador vídeo en el que podemos ver como un libro toma vida y comienza a contar un cuento a través de imágenes.
Muy interesante la técnica (y espectacular resultado)… a partir de un simple escenario proyectado sobre un libro, recrean todo un teatro y un mundo mágico.

The Ice Book (HD) from Davy and Kristin McGuire on Vimeo.
The Ice Book is a miniature theatre show, a pop-up book that comes to life as if by magic.
It tells the story of a mysterious princess who lures a boy into her magical world to warm her heart of ice. It is made from sheets of paper and light, designed to give a live audience an intimate and immersive experience of film, theatre, dance, mime and animation.
We created the show during a four month artist residency at the Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen in Germany. All we had was a 5D Mark ii, an old Macbook with After Effects, some builders lights and a green cloth that we improvised as a makeshift green-screen. Before we started we had no idea how to make pop-up books let alone how we could combine them with projections. With a lot of care, love and arguing the idea eventually came to life.
For information on touring dates in 2011 please check the website: www.theicebook.com
Davy & Kristin McGuire
La cuenta está suspendida por exceso de consumo de banda de ancha, esperemos puedan recuperarse del golpe pronto.
Aquí podemos ver el proceso de realización.
Compositing – The Ice Book from Davy and Kristin McGuire on Vimeo.
Vía Petapixel Pop-Up Book Brought to Life with a Canon 5D Mark II
@gnomada nos pasa un enlace donde además se pueden cómo se hizo The ice book